| Real Rates of Return Use this calculator to show how building real investment growth requires paying attention to the effects of taxes and inflation. |
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| Stocks vs Bonds vs Cash This calculator lets you compare the growth of stocks, bonds and cash using historical rates of return between 1934 and 2004. Returns can be adjusted for inflation and management expense ratios (MERs). |
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| Portfolio Growth – Historical Returns This calculator lets you compare the growth of a diversified portfolio to stocks, bonds and cash using historical rates of return between 1934 and 2004. Returns can be adjusted for inflation and management expense ratios (MERs). |
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| Miss Best vs Worst Months This calculator lets you compare stock market performance under two scenarios: 1) what happens when you miss the best performing months and 2) what happens when you miss the worst performing months. |
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| Miss Worst Months This calculator compares the performance of staying invested in the market to missing the months with the WORST returns. |
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| Stay Invested This calculator compares the performance of staying invested in the market to missing the months with the BEST returns. |
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| Triangle of Wealth This calculator illustrates the tradeoffs between the three components of the Triangle of Wealth – Goal, Time and Return. |
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| Present Value This calculator lets you do a side by side comparison of up to three different present value scenarios. |
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| Future Value This calculator lets you do a side by side comparison of up to three different future value scenarios. |
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| MERs and Investment Returns This calculator lets you compare the effect of the MER (Management Expense Ratio) on the performance of two hypothetical mutual funds. |
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| Effect of Inflation on Income This calculator lets you project an income need in future dollars or in today’s dollars. It also shows the historical inflation rate for the period you select. |
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| A Tale of Two 401Ks A 401k is one of the most effective ways of savings for retirement. This calculator lets you explore five fundamental investment strategies to enhance the growth of a 401k. |
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| A Tale of Two IRAs An IRA is one of the most effective ways of savings for retirement. This calculator lets you explore five fundamental investment strategies to enhance the growth of a traditional IRA. |
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| Insure Your Earning Power This calculator will show clients and prospects how important it is to have disability insurance protecting the most valuable asset they have, their earning power. |
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| Stocks – Long Holding Periods Reduce Risk This series of charts shows how long holding periods reduce the market risk of stocks. Trailing returns by month for 1 month, 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 year holding periods are charted for the 70 years between 1934 and 2003. |
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| Diversification and Bear Markets This calculator shows how diversification would have protected your portfolio during any of the seven bear markets between 1968 and 2004. Compare the performance of a diversified portfolio to one made up of stocks only. |
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| Diversification and Bull Markets This calculator shows how diversification would have affected the growth of portfolios during any complete bull/bear market cycle between 1968 and 2004. Compare the performance of a diversified portfolio to one made up of stocks only. |